Light and shadows #9

The weather was not great today, so I had to resort to using artificial light or a night shot.

It was a bit of an interesting day at work because in the morning we had to change the set up of the tour a little bit due to the loud noise of the drilling in the shop that is being refurbished at the moment. Then, when the noise finished and the tour went back to normal, the fire alarm went off and we had to evacuate the building. Fun and games! The weather was not the best outside either to be standing there for too long. I was glad it didn't take long to go back inside.

Apart from that, not much more happening. The day went by rather quietly. I was feeling a bit sore after my good session at the gym yesterday but it was not too bad.

Thanks very much for your lovely comments, stars and hearts on my last blip. Spotlight again! I hope you all had a great day! :)

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