Rabbiting on!

What it is with silver cars! They are everywhere. My new (read old) car is silver and now everyhere I look all I see are a sea of silver cars, silver seas, silver surfers! Yesterday afternoon I came out the local shop & went into my car, Im thinking what a mess inside then closer inspection reveals it was the wrong car! and like me the owner doesnt bother locking it!

Today after my morning meeting and my heid buzzing with ideas I head towards my car and make a bee line for what I think is my motor. I then notice that the bonnet or (hood to you Americans) was lose so I go up to it, slip my hand under the clip and lifts the bonnet up and slams it down to shut right. Imagine my horror when I look closer only to see a scared looking bloke staring back at this mad wuman clad in a green jacket and an Elmer Fudd hat slamming his car bonnet!. Seriously he must have thought I had escaped from the local unit in Lochgilphead! I profusly apologised and slunk off to look for my own car. None of this would happen if I had transferred my number plate but I havnt done it yet!
Happy blipping all

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