Laid back!

Seriously! when is it going to stop raining! Every time it rains here the internet slows down! its high time BT got it's act together and gave us all high speed fibre optic Broad Band?
A day of doing bits & bobs, getting them all done, washing, form filling, more paper work letter writing. (to DVLA ) to tell them for the umpteenth time I no longer own an old fiat I got rid of to the scrappies so long ago I can't remember when! You would think with all the bloody paper work they make you fill in that they could keep track on stuff themselves !
Debating with myself whether I should go to Aviemore to see the husky racing or not! Its a three and a half hour drive meaning we would get there at twelve and only see the last two hours of racing. Is it worth it I ask myself! and if its still pissing rain, no I'm staying at home!
Have a good weekend all
Dogs rule in this house!

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