Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Running on empty

You would not know coronavirus was a thing if you were in Woking this morning. Bill’s was heaving when we went there for brunch and there were plenty of people out shopping. The panic buying is slowly subsiding as people realise that the world isn’t quite coming to an end. I even managed to get some flour to make flatbreads with, and a ton of vegan chocolate. Oh and hand soap. Exciting. But if it does all go pear shaped I imagine our local shopping centre will look like this, with The Grim Reaper a regular on television (for the keen eyed among you).

The Yoga Mama was looking for nuts for her bird table, by which I mean the bits that bolt it on to the balcony. Despite determined browsing in Robert Dyas she rightly remained sceptical about thread sizes and shank lengths and came away empty handed. 

I have been a little under the weather today but not in a Covid kind of way. It was more a case of having a bad day with the pants monster thing. It did however make me think about the meaning of life, the universe and everything as I am prone to do. I didn’t come up with any answers however as if I fell asleep over my iPad. I had some dreams but they were clouds in my coffee.

Been one of those sorts of days. 

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