Many hands make light work....

A day of running here and there.
Once I had everything fed we headed off to Edinburgh airport as our Canadian exchangee was heading home after her 2 week stay. She arrived via Heathrow on a Fly Be flight. They went tits up in the first week she was here so she is now going home via Frankfurt with Lufthansa .She seemingly has to self isolate for 2 weeks when she gets back to Canada.
I could have kept my mask on that I use when bagging feed as the airport looked like a war zone. Even spotted one Japanese lassie with face mask, safety goggles and plastic gloves. She will have fun at passport control !
Back home then off down the road to St Boswell’s with a load of cull blackie ewes for tomorrow’s sale. Littlemiss came for a hurl as well while Mrs F ran Junior into Waverley for the train back to Uni. It looks like I will need to go to Aberdeen and flit him home again this week as all his lectures are cancelled and going to be online tutorials instead. But schools are still open ?
This is a Blip cheat ,spotted yesterday, but I liked it . So don’t care !

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