Gypsie Hunter.....

All go again today . Dry but breezy for a change.
Oliver’s lorry arrived in at 1.30 to collect 33 continental store bullocks we had sold. They are headed to an East Lothian farm to finish.
Headed next door and spent the next couple of hours stripping tyres off the silage pit there and rolled the plastic sheet back ready to start using the silage there as the pit here is nearly finished. As usual , the moment you start this job the wind picks up. At times I was doing a good impression of a hang glider trying to hold the sheet down, but I got there in the end.
Back home to bag up sheep feed and bruise another batch of cattle feed for the morning . Luckily my persistent cough is not new, I don’t have a fever and it has more to do with years of barley stoor than any virus- so far ! And I work from home every day any way !
Oliver’s lorries all have a name on the front starting with “Gypsie”

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