Make Every Day Memorable

By Jorgiesmum


A cold, grey morning so we cheered ourselves up with breakfast at The Clipper. 

In the afternoon I went to Topsham. Parking at Dart's Farm, I then walked to Bowling Green Marsh, thankful that the route was flat because my camera bag was feeling particularly heavy.
I had forgotten the binoculars so was struggling to recognise the distant shapes. A friendly couple stopped for a chat and informed me that this was a Greenshank ('something worth photographing')

I don't think Ive had such a fruitless photography session for a long while.
Im backblipping this because I couldn't muster any enthusiasm to edit the few images taken

I came home feeling deflated from not seeing anything very exciting.
Also news of airlines cancelling flights to Spain has put our upcoming trip into jeopardy.
To be honest, it has been getting to the stage that we  have been worried about going.

Day total 3miles
Year total 206.6miles

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