yet another day

By yetanotherday

Happy Happy

It was the 16th December when we took Whisky to the emergency vets and were given the options of either putting him down or spending a fortune and 'maybe' he would pull through. We chose the latter and today he was finally discharged from the vets. Our beautiful vet told us that as much as she loves seeing us, she hopes that she doesn't see us for quite a long time :) Our other cat Jack (who has also managed to go to the emergency vets recently) was discharged on Monday.

I've been watching the 'Comic Relief Great British Bake Off' this week and have been loving it. I was in town today and saw that TX Maxx have a Comic Relief range by Emma Bridgewater, I may have to go back and buy a few bits.

I've just looked back at the photo and Whisky looks like he has a deformed leg!!!!! It's not really deformed, it's just had quite a bit of fur shaved off of it.

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