yet another day

By yetanotherday


I can thank my son for me forgetting to blip over the past few days. On Sunday I dropped him off at an indoor rock climbing competition and was meant to pick him up six hours later. However, two hours later I received a text from him asking me to pick him up as he had injured his leg. To cut a long story short, we ended up in A&E and he has damaged the ligaments in his knee, but will be fine.

He was off school yesterday, as even with a pressure bandage on he could barely walk. He was bored stiff and desperate to get back to school. So this morning he limped to the bus stop (I did offer to drive him to school) and managed to stay for the whole day. He still can't put his foot down flat, but at least he's getting about. I expect he'll want to go climbing again this weekend.

My daughter went to the orthodontist today and after 3 years of braces they will be coming off in April :) She will then have one fixed and one invisible retainer which the orthodontist recommends she uses until she is about 25!!!!! She's only 16 now. He said that a lot of people don't use them for long enough and end up with their teeth overcrowding again. Beth was fine with this and said if it keeps her teeth straight she'll do whatever he recommends.

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