
Went out with the dogs this morning up to Crinan wood to look for a missing dog. Never saw any site of him and got absolutly soaked, had to come home and have a hot shower. In afternoon I delivered some care stuff for someone. Weather appalling. Watching that gonk Johnson on TV rambling on as usual. He can't string a sentence.  Err aammm it it err aaam. Eight in one short sentence then passess the question to his fellow gonks! We're being ruled by clowns albeit rich clowns. Why are the gov agreeing to pay private hospitals millions for beds? Profiteering as usual.Finally why has the union Jack flag behind him been slanted to make it look like the George's Cross.  Use either one or the other , not this stupid squint effegy. Twats! All the questions hes taken so far are from his own favourite reporter pals, that twonk Peston, the BBC and Sky. All right wing media! Where's the Oban Times in this?
"were a mature democracy" seriosuly you plonker! you wouldnt know maturity if it hit you between your piggy eyes!  " squash the sombrero" seriously, we don't wear bloody sombreros! " herd immunity"  the nearest to heard immunity this clown comes is when hes talking BULLOCKS!

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