
By Mindseye

Sunday walks

Slept pretty well, after our night out at the Golf Club for the Captains "swansong" do......a pity his last event wasnt as he would have liked, but quite understandable certain people felt they should stay away. It was still an enjoyable evening.....me in extras in my new frock lol ;-)

Today we walked into town for a paper and had a coffee, taking care not to get too close to people, wore gloves to open doors, washed hands or santised as much as possible, but still keen to get out and about whilst we can, as it wont be too long before that option is not as available to us all I feel.

Once back home, hub stayed put, I walked up to the farm to get some eggs. Took my camera but didnt take any shots, until I got back hime, when I spotted our Stellata opening in the warming spring sunshine.

We had pork fillet and cauliflower cheese for dinner and spent the rest of the night catching up on tv.

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