
By Mindseye

Sunny Southport

The forecast for good weather today lead us to Southport......and thankfully they were right, it was really sunny, still a bit chilly on the seafront and pier, but so lovely not to get soaked!!!

We stopped off en route at Sootys Garden Centre, had brunch in Sweeps Cafe, not very busy at all, so distancing was easy.......then it was on to Southport.

We parked up and walked around the theatre, under the bridge, around the lake and back, up onto the pier, to the end and back to the Carousel, across the road to Lord Street, up to one end, then back along to Morrisons, a bit of shopping, just fresh stuff I needed, nothing else!

We soon clocked up 13k steps.....I snapped away as we went, like this shot from the pier looking back across the beach and also the swans in flight in extras.

Been to camera club this evening, a short lived affair, only six of us there.....we have now suspended meetings for the next month, pendng review. I think its safe to say hubs birthday concert & meal booked for Sunday is all off....as no doubt are everyones Mothers Day plans......but as long as people are sensible there will be plenty of other birthdays and Mothers Days to celebrate once we are all out the other side :-)

Be sensible, stay safe & keep washing those hands xx

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