Moss Green

You know you're in a world of Blip hurt...when you leave the in tow...looking for tree knots. TREE KNOTS...I'M LOOKING FOR TREE KNOTS!!!

It was KNOT to be the knots day. I found a downed tree covered with mushrooms and moss. Brown and and brown.

I was snapping some moss when a voice rang out. "Hey...what are you doing over there?"

"I'm just taking a few pictures."

"'re not supposed to be off the trail."

My inner Kentucky took a hold of me. "Hey Hoss...I hate to be cross...but are you the boss of this moss?"

He stammered..."No'm're supposed to be on the boardwalk in this area."

Again...the inner hillbilly. "I hope you have Blue Cross...'cause you're real close to a 2-front teeth loss. On your mouth the word Canon will be into that mudhole you're gonna be tossed."

The self-proclaimed boss of the moss was at a loss. He still wanted to get his point across...but he wisely backed off.

The above never happened. The woods were silent, except for the rat-a-tat-tat of a woodpecker. When it's 15F...the SMART folks stay indoors. That's why I was out.

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