Everybody's a Critic

It is 10F here, and I'm fighting my second go-round with a cold...so I don't want to go outside. It's Walker, the stalker...up to the bedroom window again.

Finally some blue jays showed up to critique the "art." I cowered down even farther behind my blinds...and tried to listen.

From the top left...going clockwise...

1. Obviously the most vocal. "Is this guy serious about this color? Are we really that bland? Where's the pop...where's the pizzazz? And...look at the wings. Are you kidding me? My wings are beautiful and intricate...these look like a tic-tac-toe board. What was he thinking?"

2. "I can't even go up there to look. Who is that wench he used for a model? Look at me...Faye the jay. I'm blue...I'm balanced...I'm far from boring...and I don't like to boast...but I look like a blossom. When am I going to get my big break?"

3. The only positive. "I'm sorry Faye...but I think she is heavenly. Her color is iffy, but her lines are exquisite." He glanced up at the window. "Can you please tell me who she is, and where I can find her?" I wish it would have stopped there...but he broke into blue jay song..."There isn't an ocean too deep, or a mountain so high that can keep...keep me away...away from my love. Sheesh fella...thanks for the compliment...but...get a grip.

4. The rudest. "Hey mister...let me swallow a couple more peanuts so I can make a proper "deposit" on your painting. I think it needs a little more white in the face. There (ahhhh)...that's what I think about your work!!" That hardly seemed necessary.

My thanks to the jays. I'll try to take the criticism...both good and bad...into my next project.

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