
By Nicky1

Out with old in with the new

Nipped down to the waterfront in Greenock today to take a few pics of the Custom House. A beautiful old building which I have very fond memories of. My mum has worked for Custom and Excise since the early 80's and I used to go in and meet her there and go for lunch on a Thursday, then take the kids down when they were younger. But the council now have the building and it was full of workies ,skips and white vans- not the picture I wanted, so I will go back when nobody about.
So, I took a picture of this new building beside it The Beacon which is the replacement of the Arts Guild Theatre. Very modern, very new and I personally think very much an eyesore. But I love the Custom House, very grand,very majestic and very much full of history . Going to the Beacon to see a show in a few weeks so I might just change my opinion !

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