Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Ignorance is bliss

Particularly in these troubled times. And it’s good to see brothers getting close.

Day 2 of the front of house project and looking good.

Today was just about trying to stay one step ahead of the mess, professionally and personally. Spent a lot of time on conference calls and moving the pieces around the system. I’m a very small cog in the NHS’ response to coronavirus but I can see the whole mechanism and I can see how hard people are working. 

Nationally and internationally I am appalled at how many people are going to get broken on the wheel of this pandemic. It’s a game changer. We will only survive it by learning new behaviours. 

Also, tried to support a friend in need today. Life really can be a shitstorm sometimes. We all need to look after each other when the brown stuff hits the whirly thing...

Little personal extra about the hoarding thing which I posted on social media today ...

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