Carol: Rosie & Mr. Fun

By Carol

2020 Tuesday — Don’t Hoard

My friend posted this photo and wrote this on her Facebook page: “Either my timing is bad or ppl are still hoarding, because I haven’t been able to find any water at the store, but plenty of this & lemons sooooo.”

AND then we went to the grocery store this afternoon (I stayed in the car; Mr.Fun went inside). I wrote this on Kathy’s FB Page: We haven’t been to a store since Friday. Earlier this evening Mr. Fun & I went to the grocery store in Morro Bay. No bread. NONE! No canned soup. NONE! Almost no pasta noodles of any kind. No jars of spaghetti sauce. And of course, no TP. One dozen eggs per person. This is unnerving. Then after we arrive home, I saw Kathy’s post.

What’s happening? America’s stores look like the grocery stores in Russia when we were there in 1997. Should I be in the stores early tomorrow hunting and then hoarding food? Supplies?

On California’s Central Coast
Rosie (& Mr.Fun), aka Carol

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