Inside the box

It's what is inside the box that is so exciting...  Maybe, if you are very good, I will show you what is inside it tomorrow...

As for today, I realised at some point in the early hours that if Rob and I succumb to the virus, then there will be a distinct lack of easy access to food for Dad, especially if the Tesco order for next week is lacking in some items.  So I got up and went straight to the supermarket  to get some fresh stuff and some tins of things like beans and fish and meat.  It wasn't too bad but was getting busy by the time I left.  I don't think he really understands the seriousness of it all and was very bemused by all the tins! I will have to go back and sort them out at some point a there were all put in different cupboards randomly!  He was very pleased to tell me that his water meter bill had been reduced to £13 a month.  I did suggest that maybe he should be having more showers....

We have got a bit more tidying up done today with decisions made about what things to send to the charity shop out of my china cupboard and little ornaments collection.  I am going to start on the glass cupboard soon.  I love old glass but have some that I have never used and probably never will.

We were going to Cheltenham for the night for my birthday at the weekend, but that has now been cancelled.  Hopefully we will be able to go later in the year.

All so strange at the moment.

And on another matter, I discovered just how close to the surface some of my emotions are today.  One of my FB friends as a large leprechaun which she displays on St Patrick's day.  She had a photo of it next to her husband. The leprechaun was hanging from a beam on a pergola in her garden.  I just couldn't bear to look at it.

All ok now though.

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