
Last hot chocolate & scone with a friend for a while at our local farm shop cafe. They are trying to stay open as long as possible with then changing to home deliveries or order & collect from car park. Lots of seasonal veg available still.

Will keep in touch over the phone, maybe when the weather is a bit warmer we can sit out in the park with a flask & cake.

Feeling emotional today more than normal. I was thinking how much I had isolated myself, without realising, so I could still visit my parents & brother when they were in hospital & now many many friends & folk are having to do this.

Daffodil in the garden after today's varying weather, a bit like my emotions, with rain - sunshine - horizontal sleet - sun - snow - rainbow - sun - hail - sun & hail.

Daffodil in the sunshine in the garden with raindrops on the trumpet.

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