Trevor & more Coronavirus rantings!

….............All the schools to close by the end of the week. Scary times!

So today Ann was a happy human because she didn't go into any supermarkets. Oh and at least it would now seem that the major supermarkets have set up measures to help the elderly and prevent stockpiling.

This morning I went to the park and met this lovely 7 month old whippet called Trevor. We raced around for ages and do you know what........................ he could run faster than me. There's not many dogs that can run faster than me. And while I was playing Ann stood around chatting to his owner. It wasn't until we were walking home that Ann realised that she'd been standing chatting to a stranger for about 10 mins and was closer than 2 meters away??!!

Hmmmmmm................. what Ann doesn't understand is..................... if she feels a bit unwell so decides to self isolate..................... and then after a week feels OK, how does she know whether she's had Coronavirus as opposed to a common cold if nobody is being tested? And if she stays in all by herself, how ill does she have to be before she contacts the doctors surgery or has to phone 999 because she can hardly breathe?

And the other thing........................ Ann's work as a 'meet & greeter' has dried up but our main income comes from our house in Cornwall which we rent out to holiday makers. It's done really well over the winter and we've got loads of bookings for the summer and nobody has cancelled so far. BUT.................... 'going on holiday' is classed as 'non-essential' travel so obviously we're going to get a lot of cancellations over the next few months. Ann was talking to one of the letting agents today and they've had loads of cancellations already so actually we've been really fortunate that we haven't.

Ann says we're really lucky. She only has to look after herself and me and we're both pretty healthy. We can't even begin to imagine how hard it's going to be for people working in the hospitality industry or those on zero hour contracts.

OK........................ so not too much of a rant today. Just a load of questions that we don't really know the answers too!!!

Stay safe peeps.

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