
Visit to town for supplies first thing - kinda difficult to get my head around Aldi having a sign warning customers about violent and abusive behaviour. Hopefully people will emerge from this period with more understanding of what it is to go without, to face (admittedly slight) hardship and not to be master of their own destiny... But it also sounds as if a few will need to take a good hard look at themselves.
In nicer virus news - popped in to our village store to make sure we support them through tough times.... And they've put toilet rolls behind the counter and were giving one to each elderly person that came in.

Then the remainder of the day in the green gym, definitely need a day off tomorrow! But I've now repurposed more old planks and timber and the last pieces of the old greenhouse and we have two large raised cold frames. Come the apocalypse we should be OK for veggies!
This little fellow popped out a few times as I worked. I'm thinking vole as the ears seem small, but could just as easily be a mouse.

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