Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Heavy Metal

The guys doing our front drive were struggling with a big cement mixer today. They admitted that they had underestimated the weight but added that "you standing there taking pictures of us doesn’t f***ing help any". We have this friendly banter based relationship so I just laughed and reminded them that I had only given them half their money so they needed to just be graceful about it. 

Very full on day in the office. Enormous amount of work to see if we can get people off of routine duties and onto coronavirus related stuff. Everyone is being brilliant and stepping up to the plate, but at the same time we are beginning to lose people to illness and the technology for working from home isn’t as good as it could be. Overall though this is the NHS at its best, despite the fact that the last time the tories reorganised us in 2013 they took something that worked and broke it up into bits. Makes the job harder when things are fragmented, as frankly they have been for the last seven years. End of rant.

TSM did another twelve hour day. Get up, go to work, come home, eat, sleep, repeat. That is her life at the moment.

Did you know that coronavirus is an anagram of carnivorous? Makes sense. If we didn’t eat meat the bloody thing would probably never have happened...

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