
By Snowyjones

Back to the blue

With no other bright ideas being forthcoming I have decided to start at the top and work my way down so it was really just a day of driving for me. When I’d had enough I found a great campsite right on the beach here at Tauranga Bay amidst mangroves, figs and a flock of monarch butterflies. Petrels, black backed gulls and red beaked gulls hanging around on the sand. A sudden flurry of movement from the birds as a shoal of fish arrived and as if from nowhere about 10 guys suddenly appeared with fishing rods and were soon hauling out these enormous fish. The shoal moved on and things settled down until all the heads and guts were thrown back into the sea. All I can say is, size matters when it comes to owning the fishermen’s scraps. Much flapping of giant wings at the pesky, wee red beaked gulls, it was quite an elaborate dance being performed. A very entertaining evening and, had I had anything big enough to cook fish in, I would have eaten well as two of the guys kindly offered me a fish for my supper. There seems to be a huge chest freezer for lucky catches though so they won’t go to waste, might be the place to stay if the supermarket shelves start emptying here.

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