
By K9tam

Kind thought.

Found these daffodils on our doorstep yesterday, took a bit of detective work to find out who left them with the message to take care of ourselves. A lovely, kind thought.

Horrible job of sanding down the recently skimmed plaster in the kitchen. Pleased that’s another job ticked off the list. Not sure the kitchen work will go ahead on the planned date at the beginning of May, but we will have to wait and see how things pan out.

Horrible cold, miserable  day today so no work done in the garden.

Just had a whatsApp from Hayley. Emmeline said to her "Mummy, you always annoy me, I prefer Daddy, he doesn't annoy me". And one from Jodie, Franky has been playing kiss chase at school (He's 5) I said not exactly 'PC'  at this moment in time and asked if he caught any girls .... Apparently not, it was only boys playing it!!!!

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