Must Try Harder

Down to the shop early this morning - still too late for any kind of selection in the fruit, meat or fish aisles.
Scurvy and repetitive meals it is then.

I took the cactus upstairs to photograph it and got distracted by the shells and thought I would try and emulate Edward Weston. Obviously I failed. To see how badly, just scroll on from that shot.

I 'fixed' the son-in-law's sticks (see yesterday's entry) and did some weeding in the front garden ….. loads more required. Let's hope for more of the warmth I got when I was out there.

Went up the dentist's practice to let them know that we have got rid of our land-line and make sure they had our mobile numbers. Our check-ups in 4 or 5 weeks are likely to be cancelled but we will wait until they call to do that - no point in adding to uncertainty at the moment. 
It was then round to the pharmacy to pick up my prescription.
Had to queue up outside as it was a 1 out/I in system.
3 members of staff and it was still taking the 5 minutes to hand over prescriptions that they had already packaged up so it was quite a wait.
With efficiency like that it is no wonder the NHS is buggered.

When I got home I spent a while chatting to next door and setting the world to rights …….. but no closer than 2m of course.

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