Pet Me!

Since coming to Thailand, my perspective on dogs has changed. While I still like the four legged creatures, I now know that there are three categories of dogs in Thailand. There are some dogs that are well taken care of, groomed, fed (sometimes a lot), kept on leashes (if they aren't carried around in a purse or basket), and very petable.

Then there are the street dogs. These dogs can be friendly (but usually not.) They can be cute (but usually not.) They are always in need of a bath, some flee medicine, and normally some care to whatever street-fight wound is still healing. Their food comes from garbage cans or behind restaurants. And they often run in packs, most of them looking alike and probably being inbred. Bottom line, they are not petable.

This fuzzy guy falls into the last group. Somewhere in between the first two. He's better off than the full street dogs, but doesn't live in anyone's house. The student's he was with had given him a name because he has made outside their dorm his home. Some students will feed him and play with him. However, he's not really owned by anyone, still needs a bath, and is questionably petable.

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