
Outside just about every hotel, business, restaurant, home, and any other building, a spirit house can be found. Usually the spirit house is built in proportion to the size of the building (small for homes and little businesses, big for large condos, skyscrapers, etc.) There's even a spirit house on a post over the trash dump area.

From what I understand from talking to my Thai Buddhist friends, these houses are to give the spirits a place to live so they don't go bothering people, and to keep the good ones around.

I'm looking for a new place to live. No, I won't be setting up house in a spirit house, but I did want to check out this apartment's neighborhood after dark. It was pleasantly quiet. The only extra noise came from people playing tennis in courts across the street and a kid squealing as he and his dad raced up the street on the bikes. Those are all noises I wouldn't mind hearing if this became home.

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