The hens all seem convinced that my phone is food. This is my clearest shot. I suppose everything else they see in my hands is actually food, so maybe it’s fair enough.
The sick/broody hen was fine this morning, despite my spending much of the night in internal self-debate about where I should bury her if she was dead this morning.
Isolation is biting. I didn’t go out today after all, as I discovered in the wee small hours (I seem to be awake from 2 or 3 until 5 or 6 every morning) that our bakery is working on the basis of ‘pedestrian drive through’, so I have ordered and paid for my bread and will collect it tomorrow. That way there is no waste and less contact. Mr B is sad as their reduced stock list does not include his favourite loaf, but I’m sure we’ll get through. And in excellent news, the Campari (red) item has been struck off the ‘urgent needs only’ shopping list as it turns out we have another bottle in the pantry.
Cook out tonight (glorious day) with sausages, potatoes and lentils.
Work is turning out to be hard just now - hopefully all the brain work means I will sleep better.
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