Random succulent waiting to be planted. I like the contrast with the flowers and the leaves.
Odd day. Mad rush to get two urgent bits of work out this morning. Then I filled in my permit, wrapped my scarf firmly around my face and headed out into to the world. Butcher, bread, then supermarket. On the most part folk are making a real effort to stay far apart, stopping at the entrance to a narrow street to let you out, though the woman who was on my till in the supermarket seems to have seen a lot of idiots (including a very angry woman when I was being served furious that the till was closing. Surely everyone gets to break for lunch? The supermarket worker said on Monday she’d barely had a ten minute break for a piss.)
Home, more work, an electrical crisis which seemed to have been caused by CarbBoy’s laptop. Excellent timing. A new power cable has been ordered. Then some gardening to bring a little balance to the force. As TallGirl pointed out, gardening is just burying things and seeing if they grow, which is the simplicity I need, I think!
Stuff just got real. Not sure I want to read the news any more.
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