River of Flowers

By doffy

Friday: Vernal Equinox

Blossom on the Damson trees, blue sky ... and Gardener’s World returns to BBC2 ... all’s right with the world ...!!
Wind’s chilly though, but managed to find a sheltered spot behind the garage & sat outside with a cup of tea this morning. Pottered around the garden for an hour or so: potted on Common Sorrel, planted out purple toadflax, moved pots around.
UK is gradually closing down, self isolation can be a time to do all sorts of interesting and creative activities - I have a few projects which I’m going to share over the next few weeks. If we all look for interesting/unusual ways of using our time the next weeks/ months don’t have to be boring :-)) 
Stay healthy and happy everyone :-)
Nos da pawb / goodnight all xx

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