
By dtaylor5632


It was such a braw day today. First proper Spring day with warmish sunshine. It allowed me to get so much work done in the new garden. As well as get some seeds sown. My wee girl spent a full 9hrs in it too. Fresh air is supposed to make them tired when it comes to bed time but she is still full of mischieve. 4 years old and some. Tomorrow I go back to work with a quiet determination not to allow any of our patients to deteriorate further from Coronavirus. It'll hit our unit hard as our patients are already on life support or have end of life conditions such as MND, End stage MS or Locked in syndrome. We've been told this virus could end 60% of our residents. That's a scary thought and one I'm keeping to the back of my mind. Our centre (which is for NHS patients but private run) received this letter from an 11yr old girl. I'll leave you to read it and contemplate on the kindness of strangers

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