Confused !

Well it's a mixed bag of a shot today as promised this is my shot of the cast iron name plates from engines that I purchased yesterday, Flying Dutchman was a train service that ran back in steam days from Paddington to Exeter and was named after a horse of that name that won the Derby and St Ledger races back in the 1840's, Royal Highlander was also a steam service that ran from Euston to Inverness at 568 miles during the post war period and I am quite pleased to add this to my collection of railway memorabilia albeit just some oddments that hopefully can get bigger as I trawl through antique shops and places like ebay, also as you can see My wee homage to Robert Burns the famous Scots poet 1759-1796 is my dinner of Haggis,Neeps and Tatties for Newcastle tonight, so as I enjoy a wee bit of fun I will now recite a wee poem in the style of Burns.
Ode Tae A Fart
Oh whit a sleekit horrible beastie
Lurks in yer belly efter the feastie
Jist as ye sit doon among yer kin
There sterts tae stir an enormous win
The neeps "n" tatties "n" mushy peas
Stert to workin like a gentle breeze

But soon the puddin wi the sauncie face
Will hae ye blawin "a" ower the place
Nae maiter whit the hell ye dae
A'bodys gonnae hiv tae pay
Even if ye try tae stifle
It's like a bullet oot a rifle

Hawd yer bum ticht tae the chair
Tae try an' stop the leakin' air
Shify yersel fae cheek tae cheek
Prae to god it disnae reek

But aw yer efforts go assunder
Oot it comes like a clap O' thunder
Ricochets aroon the room
Michty me a sonic boom
God almichty it fairly reeks
Hope a huvnae shit ma breeks

Tae the bog a better scurry
Aw whit the hell,it's no ma worry
A'body roon aboot me chokin
Wan or twa are nearly bokin
A'll feel better for a while
Cannae help but raise a smile

Wis him ! a shout wi accusin glower
Alas too late,he's jist keeled ower
Ye dirty bugger they shout and stare
A dinnae feel welcome ony mair

Where e'er ye be let yer wind gang free
Sounds like jist the job fur me
Whit a fuss at Rabbie's party
Ower the sake of one wee farty.

So this is my blip for the day and my cheeky wee homage to Robert Burns and to my railway nameplates and today's movie "Pandora and The Flying Dutchman"1951

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