leaps and kicks class looks in March 2020.
By 1230pm she'd:
done conditioning
watched a movie
done bassoon breakfast
played lego
run, danced, leaped, climbed for an hour in the woods
done a pilates class
These are going to be long days.
She's got a playdate scheduled, so they can do Day 2 of Lego. She's is reading, has a couple of practises still to do. She's going to do one of her "77 easy STEM ativities". We're going to do some duetting. It'll be like, what, 5pm by then.....
Someone said their first day yesterday felt like a return to baby years.... you forget how bloody long 14 hours actually is. Please talk to me blipworld... I think we're all going to need humans to survive this madness.....!
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