
By stellarossa


So first full day under the new rules and it was beautifully sunny if a bit chilly. I went over to buy a paper but people were not staying apart which made me slightly uncomfortable. If we are going to do this, let’s do it properly so it works please. Bumping into a neighbour was the worst but because every time I stepped back from him, he stepped forwards until I had to ask him not too. He looked rather surprised, which in turn surprised me... has he not seen the news?

Anyway our lodger decided to leave today and her parents drove over from Cambridge to pick her up - the right decision I think. It also solves one problem - she’s moving into a shared house because someone is leaving to go travelling in Australia... but that’s not happening now, and the last day of her tenancy we are due to have a lovely
Venezuelan woman move in.

So long as she and all of us are well then we’ll go ahead as I don’t want to leave her homeless, but if she changed her mind we wouldn’t mind....

I had a lovely day with the boys. We have no idea what the future holds and are making the most of every moment together. That didn’t stop me beating them at Scrabble though.

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