
By stellarossa

Veg Plotting

The boys ventured out to the supermarket returning with a lot of beer. Glad they have their priorities sorted.

I spent a couple of frantic hours working on Oxfam’s global Covid/19 response plan - we will focus on helping people living in high density areas like refugee camps, with water supply, hygiene materials and awareness raising.

Then we set up a veg area on the patio so our tomatoes, peppers, courgettes, aubergines etc can thrive in the sun on a platform where we can protect them from slugs and snails using a combination of copper tape and wool pellets which proved very effective last year.

In the evening I did my first email for our community hub, and organised for a local organic egg farm to do deliveries for our neighbourhood, in return for this group business they will provide extra eggs for us to distribute to low income families. I’m working on getting other suppliers on board too.

The evening was topped off by a lovely meal and Prosecco for Mother’s Day courtesy of the boys.

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