The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

Closing Time

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I avoided the news during the day. When The Prince came home, he told me about the announcement that all pubs, restaurants and cafes were closing from midnight* and that we should go for a pint!

We went to our local for an hour before I headed round to Mandy’s house. She and Donald have called time which is sad, particularly at a time when it’s impossible to surround yourself with people. Company doesn’t fix things but hopefully the distraction provided some temporary relief.

And yes, my picture is of drinks and yes, I may have ranted to both of you about how dull I find Facebook posts of glasses of wine or fish fingers for dinner as if having drinking or eating is big news. But in light of today’s announcement, THIS IS DIFFERENT. Don’t mock me!


*People might leave the loo rolls alone as they start stockpiling booze now.

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