Mothers Day of a Different Kind.

All Mothers Day plans with the family were cancelled. My girls gave me their gifts when I saw them on Friday. Without realising, they both gave me the same card!!!!! Daughter Number 1 also made me a dish cloth after I taught her to crochet when she was thinking of things to do if we happen to have to isolate. I was thrilled! She's done a great job.

I have been on call all day from EDT but never needed.

I took Fluffy Legs for a walk in the sunshine. It's so nice to see the mud finally drying up. I did however drop my hat so had to retrace my steps so it was Double Walkies!!

So, Happy Mothers Day to all you mummys. Whether it be to humans or animals, birthmums or not. I don't see my mum - she chose to disown me 27 years ago but I have an amazing step mum who calls me her daughter.

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