Vaguely Marvellous

By Benelia

Blossom On The Trees

When I first started blipping I often spent a happy half hour taking photos of the garden. It was a glorious evening, though cold, so I put my coat on and took out the big camera for a play. 

Today was the first day of remote learning. Students are supposed to log on around the time of their normal lesson, pick up the work I have emailed to them, reply that they have it, do it, and send it in to me. Not that many managed all parts of that. Unsurprisingly, all that did are the students who are likely to be predicted A's.....

All else fine, Ben and Amelia seem cheerful enough, Amelia has bought herself a new phone and is back in contact with the world. Ben did quite a lot of homework (I think) and cleaned his (absolutely disgusting) bedroom. Marc mooched and made lasagne. 

And now we await our leader's address at 8.30 - I predict Lockdown. 

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