
The plans for today were turned on their head. I had planned to have a sewing day and listen to my Kenny Rogers music, as I haven’t done any sewing for the past 7 days and need some chill out time.

But we had a call from R asking if she could take Amber to the common for a controlled run about. As B put Amber into her car, she said that there was a present on the front door step for me. Safe distances were observed.

I said yesterday that I missed unsliced bread and she picked this up for me this morning. As she commented to the lady serving that her mum would be surprised and delighted with the present, she was given a bunch of flowers for me, complimentary !!! The flowers are in a vase and the bread now cut into thick slices and put in the freezer. We had some with soup for lunch!!!

R was a gem and also posted the letters for the nurses league for me.

I’ve made leek and potato soup for the freezer (leaks that were looking a bit sad ) and have planted the early seed potatoes in the tubs.

I eventually cut out the first pieces for the quilt !!!! No Kenny, he will have to wait until tomorrow:0)

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