Views of my world

By rosamund


I wanted the snow to come but now I'm hoping it won't last. We worked through lunch at SECC so that the away teams from around the country could get home safely. We're all fired up and ready to start work in our bid to make Scotland #thebestplacetogrowup.

There will be people in every single council across the country doing one thing different on Monday to start the ball rolling. It's an exciting development and I hope the arm-folders and nay-sayers are drowned out by those of us who will do what we need to do to make that vision a reality.

I had taken the train into town and on the journey home the snow appeared at Bishopton and has increased ever since. I was supposed to be going to the nursery Ladies night in Barrhead but I can't take the risk of driving in it so it will be a cosy night in with Carlos and the kids instead.

Have a great weekend everyone!

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