A Square of Blair

Lisa and I were good all day, staying inside. But, as sunset approached, I forced her out to the shore. The only people who were around were fishermen bringing in a load of herring (a fish used for bait.)

While I was watching them unload, the great white egret...was standing by...to fly.

The egret named Blair,
with a certain flare,
called out with a blare,
and took to the air.

I was able to snare,
more than a pair...
of pictures.

In the Extras is a picture of the unloading of the herring. A guy out of the picture operates the winch, and the guy with the net dips into the holding tank, and brings up the fish. Then, the winch guy directs the net over to a conveyor, and the net guy dumps it. Fun to watch. 

Also in the Extras is a picture of the herring (with a king mackerel in there, too.)

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