Sleepy Cherryblossom

By CherryBee

Pink skies and pretty lamps :o)

While I was taking pictures here 3 different couples stopped and asked me to take photos of them, obviously a popular spot!

I was much chastised earlier by a lady who happened into one of my shots of Milnes Court, I tried to explain that I hadn't even seen her and it hadn't been my intention to photograph her and indeed that when I did see her I waited for her to pass before taking any more, but she wasn't having any of it. I am very 'discourteous' I'm afraid.
I can't hang about waiting for random people to move out of my way every time I take a picture, or stop everyone on the street to ask them if its ok that they are in my photo!

I do get that its annoying and I'm not very keen myself on being in other peoples photos, but still, its a tricky one because I do like to take people shots too....
In this particular case I would understand if I had been deliberately taking her and she was cross about it, but I wasn't :O(

Ah well, such is life! Great painting class this evening, wasn't sure I had the energy but really glad I went :o)

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