The Lozarithm Lens

By Lozarithm

The Old Forge (Tuesday 24th March 2020)

We are going to have new ways to occupy ourselves to get through the next few weeks, it seems. I will be settling in different rooms of the Old Forge to do what I am doing in the hope of fresh perspectives, for one thing.
The other day I blipped an iPad photo and this led me to think that I had never used the camera on my old iPhone, so I used it to photograph the emerging camellia flowers in the front yard.
Taking the photos was easy; transferring them to my PC for processing was nigh on impossible. The iPhone was almost full and was telling me to delete apps, e-mails to myself wouldn't send because the files were apparently too large, other options failed because of passwords and log-ins and because the phone was trying to flout me. Apparently the pictures were backed up to the iCloud but I haven't tried to download from there before and don't yet know how. Finally I installed an i-Flash gadget that let me copy them to an SD card, once I'd installed yet another app. So that's one way of filling a morning.
I also took a picture with my K-x and a kit lens as back-up, from the other side of the camellia, where it caught the sun (see Extra).

24.3.2020 (1258 hr)

Blip #3171 (#2921 + 250 archived blips taken  27.8.1960-18.3.2010)
Consecutive Blip #000
Blips/Extras In 2020 #0532/265 + #021/100 Extras
Day #3651 (834 gaps from 26.3.2010)
LOTD #2300 (#2141 + 159 in archived blips)

Front Yard series
Old Forge series
Flora series

Taken with Apple iPhone 5c back camera

Lozarhythm Of The Day:
Molly Sarlé - Gypsy (2020)
This is a new version of the Fleetwood Mac 1982 single that was drawn from their album Mirage. Bandcamp tell us that Molly Sarlé is from Durham in South Carolina: "From the cliffs of Big Sur to the North Carolina backwoods - Molly Sarlé brings open-hearted, unflinching songwriting perfect for late-night karaoke comedowns, plaintive morning walks, and conjuring the spirit world. West Coast incantations with a warm, Appalachian glow." She based her version on the 1979 solo demo by Stevie Nicks, who wrote it, and it comes from Aquarium Drunkard's Lagniappe Session  EP from February 2020, with a lovely picture of a cat on the cover.

One Year Ago:
Wootton Bassett (Templars Firs)

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