Lockdown:  Day 1

I did an essential shop this morning as allowed under the new rules. It was planned for 7 am when our local Tesco opened but I didn't wake until 6.45 which is late for me.  Couldn't get everything I wanted so quickly altered our meal plan for the next few days and substituted courgettes and an aubergine with parsnips and sweet potatoes! Then around to Spar for some frozen foods and back to Tesco for milk which was still on the delivery van when I first went. I used hand gel three times when out and washed them at home. Perhaps I'm over reacting. 

More cleaning during the morning ....... dusting, hoovering and cleaning the downstairs loo. I also crept into the garden to take a few weeds out and cut a fern down. Poor birds didn't get as much food as I would have liked because there's been a fleece blanket on next door's washing line all day. 

In the afternoon we took our permitted daily exercise. A mile around the minor roads and detouring via the university campus. A notice on the reception building dated yesterday told workers not to come in today. The table tennis table in the photo was outside the students union building/bar. We passed four people and saw three more at a distance. 

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