Social distancing

First day of not-school. She did her normal morning routine. We went out for a cycle ride at school run time. It was glorious sunshine, we went a beautiful and quiet route.

Her academic morning was reading, a comprehension, a bit of maths and then a ballet class! She had a nice lunchtime. And then we had her first Zoom bassoon lesson. It wasn't great, it took 45 minutes to actually be in the meeting at the same time. Katie did some really gorgeous playing but looked so hacked off for most of the time. She copes well with the Skype lessons when they are in different countries. Being two streets away was hard. And the time delay meant B couldn't accompany her. We have decided to abandon Zoom for the next time. B was so patient with her and she really did try to enjoy it. 

After her lesson we went for a socially distanced walk in the woods with B. She was at first quite upset to not be able to stand near B, never mind not being able to hug her or hold her hand. But again, she settled a bit to it. When we said goodbye, Katie got ready for her ballet class and had another lego playdate with Moll. 

I thought we'd done a good job of the first day but when I tucked her up, she was looking so sad again. It was all a bit strange. 

She'd not long gone to bed when I heard the national conference from Boris. One day of our new normal and we're changing again.... Stupid people who can't understand 2 metres. 

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