Day 2 Exercise and fresh air
Today Violet is with us again, while her mummy has to go into work for the last time until this is over: obviously there were no actual customers and social distancing etc was carefully practised. Some customers have already found themselves in financial difficulties with the prospect of worse to come and she was able to make arrangements to ease the burden.
Meanwhile, back at our house, Violet and I did PE with Joe (follow my link if you want to give it a go) where Violet grew weary before I did and I realised that a possible 12 week lock down might be the golden opportunity to retain some sort of fitness level!
Later, Violet accompanied Mr MC into the garden, where dressed as Elsa, she played games of the imagination while Mr MC did some weeding. I avoided the garden rather, as I suffer from a seasonal allergy to early trees: the symptoms don't really match with those of the coronavirus, but my frequent wheeziness does alarm the rest of the family!
Tomorrow, Violet and her mummy will return to their own home ( she is a single mum) and we will see them properly in a fortnight, all being well. In the meantime, facetiming, driving past and waving, and even forest walks waving at each other from a safe 2 metre plus distance will help us keep in touch.
Daughter #1 and her partner are remaining at his place: there is a huge garden to get fresh air and exercise in as well as the house being located in an isolated road with all houses far apart. Our policy is, better to not see each other for a while, rather than never again.
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