Twists and Turns

Today was a Wednesday but I am losing track of the days without our usual routines.  One of the bonuses of being at home is that I was able to work in the sunshine in the garden (the wifi connection being just about strong enough!).  It was much more pleasant than being in my office!  It will be interesting to see how work goes after weeks of being at home.  At the moment I have lots to do and I'm thinking the projects and tasks will keep flowing.

Andy meantime, has been practicing tying knots - this apparently was an attempt at an 'alternative' way at doing the bowline knot.  I'm not very good at remembering how to tie knots - its the kind of thing I would need to be doing frequently to recall all the different twists and turns.

I heard from Dad this evening and the 20 days of radiotherapy he was due to start tomorrow morning to treat his prostate cancer has been postponed until 14th April.  Apparently it is due to staff shortages (understandable given the current situation with C19) and because one of the machines has broken.  One of the frustrating things is the working machine will be unused at the weekends and no doubt over Easter.   He is being philosophical about it.

On a more positive note, as I wandered the village today, I noticed that many of the children have taken up a (I think local) initiative to draw rainbows and place them in the windows of their homes.  A cheerful symbol of hope and togetherness.  

My best wishes to you all and I hope you have all had a good day, wherever you are and what ever you have been able to do.

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