best feet forward

The other day D and I moved the big bench out into the garden, but it's still too chilly first thing to drink our morning coffee out there, so we've continued the ritual of sitting on the rug with Jess and keeping our backs nice and warm against the Aga.

I am using my exercise time and the sunny weather to get back into cycling. With the short days and then not being very well in February, I'd let it go for a bit. Now I'm going out every day, even if it's only a short ride. Today I went up the hill to Dunscore, where some bags of rice had been sitting in my friends' porch for the past month, waiting for me to collect it. This was the last of the "90kg Rice Challenge" which raises enough to send a child to high school for a year in Malawi.

My friends were in the garden, so I was able to chat to them at a distance, which was nice. Apart from them, the village was a bit like this

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