Naked window...

I washed the net curtains today and the window looks naked. (I’m thinking of not putting them back....I’d much prefer that!) As I cleaned the frames, I watched several folk out on their exercise allowance for the day, family groups, cyclists, joggers, dog walkers, all in glorious sunshine. I did my run first thing this morning and it was wonderful. Before that I called Lala and we had a catch up chat. Sad news indeed from Leeds castle Education Centre with cancellations well into the Summer term.

D has now finished the shed roofing and as a reward I spoke of the next job....but that’s for tomorrow.

My sister got her scan results today. No cancer elsewhere in her body, a real answer to prayer, but it is a breast cancer again. No immediate surgery but medication for three months to reduce the lumps under her arm. She would rather they operated to remove it. She remains her ever happy self.

No reply to my email re a refund of our holiday deposit so I’ll phone again in the morning and be firm that that’s what we want.

Just watched a programme on how to do a deep clean of your home. Vinegar, lemon juice and a microfibre cloth seem the key....

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