The rest of forever...

By DrMac

Birthday Flowers

I thought you might like to see my lovely roses up pretty! I'm afraid your present hasn't arrived in the school post, blinking Royal Mail eh. Never mind, it means I get to extend my birthday until next week!

Today was really hectic but I really enjoyed it too! Feedback from lesson observations of trainees, meetings with staff, phone calls and a little paperwork...I ran our monthly TeachMeet at lunchtime and over thirty people came. The hits on my learning and teaching blog are now over two thousand and things are progressing nicely!

Late home due to meetings but the girls were forgiving. Lottie's shoulder is worse today so I'll ring the vet again tomorrow. We had a little walk and now they are tucked up in bed. I've made phone calls to family and now I'm ready for bed too. The snow is falling again, we have 5-10cm forecasted. Love it!

Looking forward to catching up tomorrow when you are properly awake and not getting up at 3am to say hello! ;0) xx

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